Irreplaceable isn't the point. I came across this Dylan Fitzgerald blog post through the Changelog News newsletter. It's a short read that's worth a look. I liked the conclusion. Irreplaceable won’t save you. Remarkable will propel you.
Using XML Transformations when deploying to Azure App Service using VSTS I recently changed some web apps that had originally used the Azure Cloud Service (Classic) to use the newer Azure App Service mainly to bring the deployment time down without having to sacrifice the app's performance. We already have a CI build and release process and I needed
Using AssemblyInfo in Deployment Labels in VSTS Release Defintions The Problem Like I wrote in my previous post [], the company I work for have used the assembly version for keeping track of deployments and we wanted to continue this practice when moving to use VSTS build and release management. We currently use the Azure Cloud
Migrating From Durandal to Vue: Use shallowRefs Instead of refs When Replacing KnockoutJS Observables When converting the application I'm working on from Durandal to Vue I had to learn the differences between how Knockout and Vue handle reactivity. This doesn't apply to all instances but it is something to consider when converting objects that contain KnockoutJS observables [
Migrating From Durandal to Vue: Use shallowRefs Instead of refs When Replacing KnockoutJS Observables